
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Monday, June 30, 2014

Hard work beats out talent when the talent doesn't work hard

Yea haven't wrote anything in awhile. Not been much too report until recently. Let us see. This half year of 2014 has been very good to me. I can't believe so far I have seen every concert I wanted to see. I have seen Moonspell, Leaves' Eyes, Atrocity, Dark Tranquillity, Omnium Gatherum, Children of Bodom, Death Angel, Tyr, Lacuna Coil, Dream Theater, Linkin Park, Iced Earth, Revamp, Sabaton, and already paid for Septic Flesh & Fleshgod Apocalypse. The most badass concert that I'm gonna be part of early next year is the 70,000 tons of metal boat cruise to Jamaica!

I can tell everyday I'm gonna be hyped for this one. Theres already bands on there that I've never heard of but I'm digging alot. Didn't think I would be able to go to one this soon. I thought it would be a couple of years, so I guess I'm doing well financially. I hope Anathema, Within Temptation, and Hypocrisy are announced. That'd be sweet. So yes I'm a huge music/concert fan. While others go to clubs or bars (whatever). I mosh and fuck people up at metal shows. Thats how I party.

In other news looks like I'm gonna be an acupuncturist. Just got finished with my first semester. I did alright knowing that I was sooooo not used to studying at all. Last year at didn't count because my teacher in my computer class gave out barely had any homework and I basically got annoyed and bored with my Japanese History class. So I haven't had anything as challenging as this acupuncture business in years. I'll admit that I basically cheated my way through every test back then. It's amazing what long hair, earplugs, and other mischevious methods will get you. I believe that the college school system is corrupt so I believe in using any means necessary to pass these general classes that you have to take. But alas thats a story for another entry.

We will see how this will turn out. I basically have 4 years of this who knows what will happen. My parents seem to believe I was made for this. I tend to believe that I had to pick something, acupuncture and asian medicine just happened to be something that I had a wee bit of interest in. Maybe my love for it will grow more as I become more comfortable, and becoming being less of a lazymothafucka. I did happen to get a 94% on a channels and points test, my first A that I got without cheating so theres hope. Just need to be more focused and organizized which I'm sure will come with time. Tho, I will continue to have a nonchalant attitude towards school mainly because when I start caring too much I tend to have way to much anxiety. Things will happen I believe at my own pace.

I do know that I must improve my habits at least a little bit for next semester. I have a total fucked up sleep schedule that has not been helping when it comes to school. I would go to sleep at 5 in tha morning, wake up at 3 p.m. and ride my bike to school and get there at 6 p.m. Ride back to my house by at least 10 p.m. and do absolutely nothing till I fell asleep. Rinse and repeat. I still can't believe I was able to pass 4 out of 5 of those classes holy shit. But I'm already in the process of at least changing that. So ya gonna put at least a little bit more effort on my side.

Also, I've decided I'm gonna use this blog as an outlet for my adventures in acupuncture, studying, the martial way, life, and anything else that I feel like writing as one tool too help me become more organizized. So there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bitch.


  1. Great start & great attitude. Your on your way to success!

  2. Cool you can posts on these sweet
