
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Monday, June 30, 2014

The Art of Training & Pushing Oneself

Today is the start of my brand new training regime. I woke up hella early today. I did my first run on the Odin track in a very long time. Odin is a 1 mile run that I used to do with giant hills and shit. The track totally kicked my ass. I ran like my dad, which isn't very fast. My dad is over 300 pounds haha. I totally was out of shape even though I sprinted up and down the large part of the hill twice. I stopped quite I bit when normally I would run the whole thing with no stops. Still got a long way to go.

I'm on this cardio igniter supplement. I tried it this morning before I ran. It tastes pretty good. Hopefully I can keep this up at least for every other day or so. I also am in the process of finally going back to martial arts again. I'm not only doing one but two different martial art disciplines. One of them is dependent on my summer school schedule. Since I go during the night shifts, the dojo that I'm looking at only has night classes. It's not worth it if I can only go once a week for 90 dollars a month. But the brazilian jiu jitsu classes that I'm looking at are offered monday, wednesday, and friday in the mornings, so that works out quite perfectly. I just have to wait to get my car back again. At least it's at the mechanic.

I feel that it's time to push myself physically and mentally. Part of the reason is I want to get in good shape again. When I'm not working out I tend to get overactive and restless when I'm doing nothing in my haus. Plus I know it's a good way to get any kind of negative energy out of my system. Only thing preventing me is that I'm quite nervous about it. It's been awhile since I was involved in the martial arts. I'm just worried about if I can handle it again especially with my school schedule. I know my body will be pretty sore perhaps maybe all the time. Will I have the energy? All I know is that I'm going to have to become more disciplined. Nothing is impossible and I believe I'm ready to test that theory.