
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Love this site, I know the FAQ's are old and irrelevant, but reading how to's guides about fake poser anarchists making napalm and molotov's just make my evening.


Finally I am now back on my computer after it fucking corrupted itself. Had to reboot the mothafucka. Big thanks to the best buy geek squad for helping me retrieve around 85 percent of my files. But its somewhat refreshing to start somewhat for scratch again. Also, can't complain that comp is running a lil faster now.

“To rely on rustics and not prepare is the greatest of crimes; to be prepared beforehand for any contingency is the greatest of virtues.” --Sun Tzu
Now for some top secret subliminals

Revo tnar.Ytimrofnoc derosnec, uoy rof sboj era esoht sseug i yeh tub, ssenlaicifitra edistuo naht tnatropmi erom saw gninrael dna ereht gnieb thguoht, yad rehto yna selur eht gnikaerb mi ekil ton sti yag woh no snaej gnivah yb ycneger morf yadot epoh tnes tog tsuj i, sedoc sserd kcuf

Congrats for me, as I now officially speak Yiddish.  פאַק זיך

Friday, August 17, 2012


I'm somewhat of a quote whore, check out these ones down below to hopefully brighten your day,afternoon,evening.

“Rituals involving strenuous and/or repetitive physical movements are meant to free the mind of all frivolous thoughts and divert the focus to the point of one-mindedness or absolute concentration.”
~Master Jin Kwon

“Be fully present in the moment no matter what you are doing, the best in you will reveal itself.”
~Master Jin Kwon

"Only something alive can die. The public schools go on year after year. They don't die because they are not alive." Natalie Goldberg 

“Set goals, put forth the best in you, never compete with anyone but yourself.”
~Master Jin Kwon

“The key to a good life is to keep it simple, yet creating simplicity is such a complex issue.”
~Master Jin Kwon 

“Rituals involving strenuous and/or repetitive physical movements are meant to free the mind of all frivolous thoughts and divert the focus to the point of one-mindedness or absolute concentration.”
~Master Jin Kwon

“Positive or negative energy is exchanged like a fair trade, the more you give, the more you receive."
~Master Jin Kwon

“Practice opening and closing your eyes a few times a day, with the awareness of letting go of your dark feelings to the brightness of the light.”
~Master Jin Kwon 

“You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect.”
~Shinmen Musashi

"In the void is virtue, and no evil.
Wisdom has existence, principle has existence, the Way has existence, spirit is nothingness."
~Shinmen Musashi

"Some people live their whole lives without ever waking up."
~from the movie Peaceful Warrior (2006)

“Relationships flourish, when individuality, freedom and growth are respected.”
~Master Jin Kwon 

"Gusha ittoku - Even a fool can have a good idea"

"He Who Knows Others Is Wise. He Who Knows Himself Is Enlightened." - Tao Te Ching


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Deep Fried Oreos

Yes I will make these

1 (20 ounce) package Oreo cookies 2 cups Bisquick 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups milk 3 teaspoons oil vegetable oil (enough for deep frying) Directions: 1 Blend Bisquick, eggs, milk, and 3 tsp oil until smooth. 2 Preheat your deep fryer to about 375°F (use a thermometer if you wish to deep fry in a pan). 3 Dip the cookies in the batter mixture until totally covered and then place in the hot oil (cookies will float). 4 Keep checking and turn over the cookie when bottom side of Oreo is brown. 5 Keep a close watch because it only takes a short time to brown. 6 Remove cookies and eat warm.

Read more at:

Them Thangs Lookin Good

Well for all you lovely sexy attractive people following me ups. I've officially got the house, I knew it was gonna happen but for now on doin thangs my way. Also, just to finally have my own personal freedom will be extremely liberating for my psyche. Prob gonna cost be 575, thank god for financial aid checks.
It's hard having money and not being able to spend it. But, I got what I really wanted outta the deal so can't really complain. I got about 5 thangs I am looking forward to getting. Damn maybe get em wit the next 1000 dollar Regency check. This weekend was pretty fun, went down to tha Sushi joint on Fri. My girlie and I were also supposed to go to the water park but they closed down when we got there due to the weather. SOF'NB. But we made the best with our time we went down to the green bush fields near the freeways. I think I may have another ATV track to race on at this area also. Sat I def considered it a look at the cute amnimals day. Checked out the pound and an animal store. I think now I really want to get a reptile or an aquairum. Finished it all off checking out UFC 150 at the sports bar. Damn good fights and good food. Michelle and I had this like fried oreo thing, one of the best snacks I've had in awhile, I think they were called spinners????? Now for the future just looking forward to being in the apartment Sept 1st. Its on! BTW this fight was awesome.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hello Kids!

Yes I'm writin anotha entry. First of I'm gonna take the time here to say my girlie is in California for these last couple of days. I've been trying to text but I don't know how to do it long distance, I guess. So Michelle if you see this I love u, and hope your having a good time. As for me, I'm still trucking along at school. Got a 90% on the hairstyling test. Very happy about that. This "El Jackal" persona is working really well I think. Gotta do what cha gotta do to get through the long days. Thats why often most of the time I spin around and lay on my seat. It makes me confortable, thats all that matters. Lets see, anything else this week? This weekend going down to the water park and watching UFC. Thats pretty much it. Bought Nightwish tickets, gonna see them in Oct, & tomorrow is the big day with the haus, lets hope all goes well. Sayonara bitches

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Islander

After much consideration i think this is my all time favorite song