
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bit Frustrated Today

Yes I guess Saturdays are just going to be one of those days. School totally through me for a loop. I'm not gonna be used to using my brain to study acupuncture from 8 till 5. My mind wonders too much gonna definitely have to get used to that. I get winded cause I try to pay attention, when I focus too long, my anxiety kicks up and I get freaked out about every little thing. Now my mental state gets fried and I probably don't have the energy to drive and go to this event that I had planned for tonight. It doesn't help that I injured both of my knees this week. I don't wanna just rest but thats whats gonna happen. Yes I am bitching but it's my own damn blog, I can rant if I like. But hey I guess I can look on the bright side and prob use this time to catch up on some Naruto episodes, blah bleh blah fuck yourselves (yes very theraputic writing that to the world every now and then, highly recommended)

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