
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Liv Kristine Appreciation

One of the coolest things that happened to me so far this year that I forgot to mention was I met one of my all time favorite singers, Liv Kristine of the bands Leaves' Eyes & Theatre of Tragedy.Its been a couple of years since I met a fellow musician. The first person I met was Jonny Santos when he was fronting Silent Civilian on that Ill Nino show. My dad was with me and the only thing I could muster up was "You guys are awesome!" Hahahaha. My dad was the one mainly talking to him and I remember Jonny saying he saw us representing and rockin' out in the front row.

The second time was when my dad, my friend Mark, and I went to this Demon Hunter/Living Sacrifice show. Both of them lovvvvved Demon Hunter more than I did. My dad was a huge fan of the Storm the Gates of hell CD. After the show we all met the lead singer of Demon Hunter and from what I can remember he was very standoffish. My dad straight up said he was a dick and to this day I don't think he's listened to Demon Hunter again. I remember becoming more of a fan of Living Sacrifice that night. Those mothafuckin' Christians were hard ;)

Those all happened quite a long time ago perhaps when I was in high school. This year I got to see Moonspell, Leaves' Eyes, & Atrocity tour the United States (What a line up) I knew I had to catch the Arizona date. I first heard of Liv and her bands back in I think 2004 when she was a featured artist on the Cradle of Filth song Nymphetamine. That was a popular song amongst some people I knew at my charter school. When I saw the music video the first thing that hit me was, who is this female singer? I was blown away by the pure angelic voice that I was hearing. She totally makes that song in my opinion. I remember the first thing that popped in my head was I gotta see if she was in any bands and the rest is history. I bought all of the Theatre of Tragedy albums and the Leaves' Eyes ones as they came out.

Okay so I brought my mom to that concert. Leaves' Eyes were amazing and I was happy to finally see them live for the first time. After the show Liv announced that she was going to come down and meet all the fans. I was excited but extremely nervous. I immediately thought of the Demon Hunter incident all those many years ago. Hmmm how would this go?

All of my anxiety disappeared as I saw her interactions with the people in front of me in line. I immediately noticed just how much of a sweetheart she is around all of her fans. You could tell she was very appreciative of all of the people that came out to see her band. She gave out a very positive and peaceful vibe. There were some well funny things I saw b4 my mom and I met her. These 2 guys were totally hound dogging her, cutting in front of everyone that wanted to meet her. Also there was a group of ladies that were telling her they liked the show but hated that they were having sound issues. ughhhh! She must have the patience of a saint I thought.

When it was our turn she gave both my mother and I hugs and thanked us for coming out :) Even though I am a HUGE fan I kept my conversation short and sweet so other people could meet her. I told her that the show was awesome, and that was a fan of hers even back from when she was in Theatre of Tragedy. She then signed their cover to their DVD that I purchased from the merch booth "We Came With the Northern Winds / En Saga I Belgia" and even got a cool looking picture with her that I still use as my facebook profile pic to this day.

(I've got the pic with me holding this dvd it's just on my phone will post later)

After this I bowed to her (happened naturally from all my years of being in martial arts lol) and told her to make sure they come back to Arizona. "Yes we will" she replied. I was so ecstatic for like a whole week after that. Leaves' Eyes were the second to last band to play so Liv definitely didn't have to come out. But, since she did she left me with quite a cool life experience. It's so cool when you listen to someone for years and they actually turn out being really nice people. This is how you treat your fans! Liv if you happen to read this, you are awesome \m/

For my friends who read this and you wanna hear some of her music check out some of my favs


  1. I loved meeting her too you could tell she was very genuine. After that meeting I'm a total fan of her music. To bad we didn't meet her husband Alex he's definitely larger then life. What a great performer. He really got the audience going!

  2. Totally agree with you. Btw its been too fun seeing all of these concerts. Thanks for coming. This show totally started it off for you
