
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Fourth of July Workout

I finally did it, after months of waiting. I'm back to BJJ. I was a little outta shape but still managed. I was happy I actually passed my instructors guard to side control. But, I'm sure they will get used to my hectic sporadic style. Things I need to work on is everyone and their mama can pass my guard. I remember when I free sparred back in the day, people would pass me and I would just reverse anything afterwards. To make sure I don't even get in that position to begin with will be pretty hard. Practice makes perfect I guess. This makes me more motivated to keep eating right and get back my speed and cardio. 2 things that go well with my style.

As for the rest of my day I'm gonna hang with my mom (my dad works) and cook some homemade fried rice bitch

Im hungry just looking at that sucker. Gonna blast this as my official 4th of July Song

I keed I Keed

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