
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Shun Goku Satsu

Yesterday I finally conquered Odin Hill. It took me only one week to be able to run that whole thing without stopping. On saturdays I think I'm gonna sprint down the actually large hill section of it. See how many times I can do it. The only thing that is still giving me a hard time is waking up early. I was supposed to go to brazilian jiu jitsu this morning but I slept through the alarm. I'm still getting used to the training so I must remember that and not beat myself up over it. I think I should make a video on Odin Hill so you can see how hardcore it is.

Had my first qi gong class yesterday. It was quite fun and it must be something I incorporate into my training somehow. Apparently people that do qi gong regularly have better results with acupuncture. Interesting that my training in a way affects my studies. Interesting how things can come full circle. Maybe I picked the right profession after all. Only problem is I sorta forgot the forms. I am definitely not the person who picks up things immediately. But, I know im pretty good at it so practice makes perfect.

I remember this episode of Naruto where Team Guy had to fight clones of themselves. The only reason they were able to win was to become just a little bit better than what they were yesterday. No one is getting their black belt today. You learn about yourself everyday. It never ends.

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