
HIM - Salt In Our Wounds

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Individual Thought Patterns 7/27/2014

Okay this is from the tao te ching ebook pg34 #34

The great Tao flows everywhere.
All things are born from it,
yet it doesn't create them.
It pours itself into its work,
yet it makes no claim.
It nourishes infinite worlds,
yet it doesn't hold on to them.
Since it is merged with all things
and hidden in their hearts,
it can be called humble.
Since all things vanish into it
and it alone endures,
it can be called great.
It isn't aware of its greatness;
thus it is truly great.

Well from when we are born tao or maybe energy flows within us until we die. "All things are born from it, but it doesn't create them" Could be talking about how all life is created the same yet from my knowledge of Tao an individual can use this and try to walk in their own natural existence maybe. I really like the line "It pours itself into its work, yet it makes no claim" I think this means no matter what you may know or think you know, don't be boastful this in my opinion makes one humble, because it doesn't matter if your a black belt in something for example there is always someone who knows more and it doesn't just end there. The last line could be about how again there is always more knowledge to gain. Don't act like a hot shot and flaunt your so called greatness. People that don't flaunt are more level headed

Sorta reminds me of this song by KRS-One where he says that real bad boys move in silence? This quote can def go towards the rap culture. Flaunting around in those music videos with fake money hoes when you know these new cats don't have any of that shit. oh yea it was this song. Oh real hip hop how I miss you

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